
Reignite Your Passion For Chiropractic

Be Inspired to
Achieve More

June 5 -7th, Burbank Airport Marriott in Burbank CA

This is NOT Just Another Chiropractic Convention

This is a weekend of renewed inspiration for Chiropractic, and a chance to give back to the profession.

What to Expect:

Our Chiropractic Rockstar Line Up

The Origin of Chiropractic Rocks

To unite the profession behind a common cause and reignite our PASSION for chiropractic.

To ensure the future growth and survival of our profession with the genesis of a NEW global movement built on compassion, integrity, and commitment to excellence for the future preservation of our profession and perpetuation of VITALISTIC Chiropractic.

Why Attend?

… Because Chiropractic Rocks! Register Now and we’ll see you June 5-7th!